Just a note For The Royal Family

The Duke and Duchess Prince William and his Princess Catherine

Sometimes, a sense of unease slips into our intuition, whispering that something is amiss, yet we often remain silent, perhaps because no one bothers to ask. She appeared physically and mentally impeccable, unsettlingly so, as if she was on an endless quest for perfection, marked notably by excessive weight loss. Recollections of Lady Di stirred within me a reminder of my place—or rather, the absence of it—in voicing concerns. The oppressive silence that followed; perhaps I am to blame for not breaking it… Someone could have. But when the pause came, akin to holding one’s breath until blue, the foreboding I felt deepened. The news finally dropped like a bombshell. In these moments, the world, already engulfed in darkness, seemed even more bleak. England’s beloved Princess, a beacon of hope with her beautiful children and a husband destined for the throne, represented a future bright with promise. Raised in a staunchly traditional Southern home that honored English customs, emotional expression was discouraged, a principle I often challenged only to become well-acquainted with discipline. Yet, the emotion that overwhelmed me upon hearing of our Princess’s ordeal was a sorrow I hadn’t felt since age 12 and  the loss of my best friend and sometimes dog.

 The intensity of my feelings surprised me, and I couldn’t help but think of Prince William, her children, and the thousands who shared this bond of affection. It’s in these moments we realize the importance of rallying together, offering our collective strength to her family. To stand firm against the darkness, not in resignation but with defiant courage. It is with laughter and determination that we dispel doubts, reinforcing our resolve. We fight for truth, supporting the Princess and her family with a love forged in steel, bolstered by the unwavering support and admiration from people around the globe. We stand united, believing in the protection of the most formidable angels and in the power of every conceivable cure. Our unyielding support is a testament to our dedication to truth, love, and the indomitable spirit of those we hold dear.

So not as to seem so much feeling action speaks louder than words, but for the moment words will have to do. Haven’t forgotten about HRM King Charles III the good King understands these things and aware he fully enjoys the support… Beauty always carries it’s own advantages but always proud to say;


HRM King Charles III
HRM King Charles III

I’m sure you are at this time recipient of some of the finest medical treatment on the plant but so as to leave no stone unturned here are the leading medical centers around the world that offer the leading edge research as far as genetic treatments are concerned,

In the United States, establishments like the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York are widely regarded as leading institutions in cancer treatment and research. Both centers are renowned for their comprehensive care and cutting-edge treatments, including immunotherapy and targeted therapy, which might include the kind of genetic therapy similar to what was used in President Jimmy Carter’s treatment for melanoma.

In Europe, the Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif, France, is considered one of the top cancer research institutes and hospitals. It is known for its innovative approach to cancer treatment and research, including genetic therapy.

In Asia, the National Cancer Center Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, is noted for its significant contributions to cancer treatment and research, including pioneering work in genetic and immunological therapies.

And of course Cancer Research UK conducts a wide range of research across all types of cancer, focusing on understanding cancer biology, developing new cancer treatments, and improving cancer detection and patient care.

Cancer Research UK is also heavily involved in public health campaigns, raising awareness about the importance of cancer screening, early diagnosis, and risk factors that people can modify to reduce their cancer risk, such as smoking, diet, and physical activity.

Positive Mental Attitude: Norman Vincent Peale, in his book “The Power of Positive Thinking,” emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook on life, even in the face of adversity. A positive mental attitude can help an individual cope with stress, reduce negative emotions, and foster hope, which are crucial during recovery from illness.

Visualization and Goal Setting: Napoleon Hill’s principle of setting clear, concise goals and visualizing success is another powerful tool. For someone battling illness, visualizing oneself healthy, imagining the body fighting off disease, and setting goals for recovery could potentially have psychological benefits and contribute to a more optimistic outlook.

Self-Belief and Personal Affirmations: L. Ron Hubbard and W. Clement Stone also talked about the importance of self-belief and using affirmations to reinforce one’s confidence and capabilities. Repeating positive affirmations related to health and strength can help in building a strong mindset that is essential for facing the challenges of illness.

Controlling the Controllable: All these thinkers stress in various ways the importance of focusing on aspects of life and health that one can control. This can involve making healthier lifestyle choices, following treatment plans carefully, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Focusing on these areas can help minimize feelings of helplessness and encourage a proactive stance towards recovery.

Supportive Community and Relationships:  While not always explicitly stated, the role of a supportive community and positive relationships is implicit in fostering an optimistic outlook. Engaging with a community, whether through support groups, family, or friends, who share a positive outlook can amplify the effects of positive thinking.

Positive thinking can be a valuable tool in that journey, helping to navigate challenges with hope and determination.

I do understand HRM has selected a more traditional apothecary this is a Traditional Chinese herbal regiment for cancer including:

Astragalus (Huang Qi): Thought to boost the immune system and potentially inhibit tumor growth.

Ginseng: Believed to have anti-cancer properties and improve the immune response.

Dang Shen (Codonopsis): Often used to boost energy and the immune system.

Lingzhi Mushroom (Reishi Mushroom): Considered to support immune health and potentially exhibit anti-cancer effects.

Turmeric (containing Curcumin): Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin is researched for its potential to inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells.

Green Tea: Contains polyphenols, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Wolfberry (Goji Berries): Claimed to have immune-boosting effects and to protect against cancer.

Huang Lian (Coptis Chinensis): Often used for its purported detoxifying effects and might inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells.

Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia Annua): Contains artemisinin, which has been studied for its potential anti-cancer properties.

Bai Hua She She Cao (Hedyotis diffusa): Used traditionally to combat tumors and improve immune function.

Remember, the efficacy of these herbs and plants can vary significantly.

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